November 1: 10th anniversary of LUCSoR – the Leiden University Centre for the Study of Religion.

Dear colleagues, former colleagues, students, and friends, It is a great pleasure to invite you all to celebrate with us the 10th anniversary of LUCSoR – the Leiden University Centre for the Study of Religion. When                    Friday 1 November 2024, 9.30-18.00 Where                  Lipsius-building and Faculty Club Theme                 Practicing Comparison in the Study of Religion Participation is […]

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21 June 2024: Farewell Symposium Arie L. Molendijk

“Structural Change in Academic Life: Managerialism, Diversity & the Quest for Excellence” Faculty Religion, Culture and SocietyOude Boteringestraat 38, Groningen Friday 21 June 2024, 13:00-18:30 Dutch Universities and academic life have changed almost beyond recognition since the first post-war years, and especially the last decades have seen a great number of political and administrative measures […]

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19 April 2024: NGG Spring Meeting

On the Value and Practice of Comparison The NGG spring meeting of 2024 will be devoted to the practice of comparison in the study of religion. During this meeting we will host a conversation about how to conceptualize and practice comparison. The emphasis is placed on the experience of (junior) scholars, and examples from research […]

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20 oktober: Symposium ‘Kunst en religie nu’

Op vrijdagmiddag 20 oktober vindt het symposium Kunst en Religie nu plaats. Verschillende sprekers gaan in op de relatie tussen moderne kunst en religieuze thematiek. Het programma is gratis toegankelijk. Hoe moderner de kunst, hoe kleiner de aanwezigheid van religie. Deze veelgehoorde benadering blijkt allesbehalve terecht. Sterker nog, begin 21ste eeuw lijken het hogere en […]

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1-3 November, NGG conference ‘Religion in Motion: Between Borders and Belonging’:

From 1 to 3 November 2023 Radboud University is home to Religion in Motion: Between Borders and Belonging. Find out more about this year’s edition of the biennial conference of the Dutch Association for the Study of Religion here.  Religiosity and mobility have been topics of research and debate for scholars working with different theoretical, methodological, […]

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Call for papers for the biennial NGG

Download as PDF Religion in Motion: Between Borders and Belonging The biennial conference of the Nederlands Genootschap voor Godsdienstwetenschappen(NGG) – the Dutch Association for the Study of ReligionNijmegen, November 1-3 2023 Keynote Speakers include Dr. Nadia Fadil (KU Leuven), Dr. Basit Iqbal (McMasterUniversity), Dr. Carly Crouch (Radboud University) and Dr. Birgit Meyer (Utrecht University). Religiosity […]

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Spring Meeting: 21 april 2023

NGG Spring Meeting 202321 April 2023 13:00-18:00Location: Trippenhuis Kloveniersburgwal 29, 1011 NGG Spring Meeting 2023: Study of Religion and Social Media The relentless growth of the Internet provides unprecedented opportunities to study global secularand religious dynamics. The 2020s start, for the first time, with half of the planet’s populationconnected to the World Wide Web, […]

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“Tyrants, Heroes, and Martyrs”; UvA symposium to honour Jan Willem van Henten at the time of his retirement

Date: 23 June 2022Time: 10:00 – 15:45Place: VOC-zaal, Bushuis/Oost-Indisch Huis, Kloveniersburgwal 48,Amsterdam Program: 10.00-10.30: Doors open10.30-10.45: Welcome and introduction10.45-11.30: Athalya Brenner-Idan (University of Amsterdam/TelAviv University), “Sister Figures in the Hebrew BibleRevisited: Some Reflections” 11.30-12.15: Adele Reinhartz (University of Ottawa), “Martyrdom and the ‘Parting of the Ways’” 12.15-13.30: lunch13.30-14.15: Jeremy Punt (Stellenbosch University), “Paul, Politics, and […]

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Leiden Symposium on New Religiosity, 11th of april

In this symposium, we are exploring the varieties of divinatory practice. These techniques are a way to envi-sion, predict and understand the individual’s life from the perspective of the sacred world. Whether cast as mere funfair fortune-telling or as the most earnest augury, if religion refers to the bonding between humansand Gods, divination, like prayer, […]

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