Current Issues in Religious Studies and Western Esotericism

You are kindly invited to join the seminars below.
If you are interested, please contact dr. Jacqueline Borsje, via

Locations: various locations at University of Amsterdam.
Time: mondays, 15:00-16:30.


25 September 2023 Birgit Meyer (Utrecht University), ‘Legacies of Missionary Iconoclasm: Religious Matters in an Entangled World’ (UB: Belle van Zuylenzaal) 

16 October 2023 Johanneke Kroesbergen (University of Amsterdam), ‘Witchcraft after Modernity’ (OMHP A0.08) 

27 November 2023 Ulrike Popp-Baier (University of Amsterdam), ‘The Triangle of Sadness and the Death of Spirituality’ (valedictory lecture in BG2 008

*11 December 2023 Michael Clarke (National University Ireland, Galway), ‘Pagan Survivals and Pagan Realities in Northern Europe: Celtic and Germanic’ 
(UB: Doelenzaal) 

 *12 February 2024 Lucia Ragetti (University of Bologna), ‘Street Science: Ordinary Means for Extraordinary Magic’ (UB: Doelenzaal) 

11 March 2024 Dell Rose (University of Amsterdam), ‘Other Israelites: Esotericism, Millenarianism, and the Creation of Israelite Identities: Two Case Studies’ 
(UB: Belle van Zuylenzaal) 

8 April 2024 John MacMurphy (University of Amsterdam), ‘Who’s Afraid of Kabbalah Ma’asit? Divine Names and Kabbalistic Magic in Practice’  
(UB: Belle van Zuylenzaal) 

                 * Sponsored by the Amsterdam School of Historical Studies  

For info: 

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