Working Group Religious Education

Working Groups

Working Group Religious Education

The purpose of this working group is to promote a religious studies approach to religion education in Dutch secondary schools. In close cooperation with high school teachers, the working group seeks to:

  1. Create and distribute innovative teaching materials
  2. Develop a study-of-religion based didactics
  3. Organize professionalizing activities for high school teachers
  4. Promote research on all aspects of religion education, such as the quality of existing teaching material and the political-juridical organization of religion education in the Netherlands.

The Dutch working group works together with the Working Group Religion in Public Education of the European Association for the Study of Religion.

Lees hier het artikel van Manon Meijer en Joël Valk over de doelen van de werkgroep Religiewetenschap en Onderwijs (Narthex 20(1), “Religiewetenschappelijke benadering voor het voorgezet onderwijs”).

Lees hier het verslag van Sjoerd Peters over de studiedag #instareligie in de klas, “In- en uitzoomen op de waarde van het vak godsdienst.


Dr. Markus Altena Davidsen
University Lecturer in the Sociology of Religion, Leiden University